? Wash Yo Hands! ? ?
Keep them clean. Kill the virus, then we’ll be free! ?

These words will be stuck in your head after you see Crosswater’s new music video, featuring rapper Puh-GEEZ. .
Most parents, teachers, pediatricians, and caregivers know how challenging it can be for kids to remember proper personal hygiene and social distancing. But like most of us learned our “ABC’s”, music has a way of keeping lessons learned in our memory bank. .
As we slowly transition into a post #covid19 world, Crosswater’s co-founder and resident composer, John Michael Adamo, wrote this song to re-enforce what health experts have been saying works…Wash Your Hands! .
It’s catchy! So keep it in mind and sing the line whenever it’s time to wash up! 20 seconds is all it takes to effectively prevent viruses from spreading to you, your family and your friends. WashYoHands!

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#washyohands #socialdistancing #coronaviruskids #kids #wearamask #virus #musicvideo #kidsrapvideo