Would you like to use a pain-killer without having to take dangerous pills? Virtual Reality makes it possible. Burn victims from around the world have found great value in using VR to reduce their pain and discomfort when their bandages are replaced. That simple process can become excruciatingly painful with severe burns. Take a look…

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Over the past few years, advertisers have shifted towards online ads to capture more viewers. They are beginning to take that one step further.   Contact Crosswater at (716) 884-8486, crosswater@crosswater.net, Facebook Messenger, or LinkedIn to discuss the virtual possibilities, and how we can help create the content that will drive your business into the…

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Google Expeditions is an educational VR program for young students. The immersion offered by VR opens kids up to new perspectives & experiences, and jumpstarts their imaginations! Crosswater is a provider of Google Expeditions. Contact us at (716) 884-8486, crosswater@crosswater.net, Facebook Messenger, or LinkedIn to learn more about what this service could offer to your…

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The ways in which VR innovates mundane tasks are seemingly endless. Take a took at this article and video about a Dublin-based start-up called MeetingRoom, who are bringing a whole new tool box to businesses. They are using VR to revolutionize outdated conference calls with a virtual room equipped with interactive capabilities. They will provide…

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Crosswater is the sole VR Production company used by the University at Buffalo to usher in a new era of immersive learning and marketing. In this picture, our VR producers Dan and Lauren are prepping the James Platt White Conference Room for its VR/360 debut. This seldom-recognized room is located in the UB Library, and is a…

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Crosswater is your one-stop-shop for all of your Immersive Media needs. Our VR/360 content is fully immersive, bolstered with 360 video and spatial audio. Follow and share our social media pages and explore our website to discover what traditional or immersive media experiences Crosswater can create for you. #media #production #buffalo #mediaproduction #multimedia #videoproduction #audioproduction…

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EdTech put together a Top 5 list of budding technologies in Higher Education that are innovating the way that students learn. Virtual Reality made the list, and the content that Crosswater has been creating with the University at Buffalo was referenced in their explanation! We are always honored when our VR/360 content helps to push…

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In VR, many factors contribute to the immersion felt by the viewer. Similarly to traditional video, the audio in VR is often overlooked. Spatial audio responds to where you look in your VR headset, meaning that you can hear sounds all around you in the 360 degree environment. Crosswater specializes in spatial audio and VR/360…

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As Virtual Reality gains mainstream recognition, we continue to see its usage become more prevalent in many areas. This article outlines how art museums have adopted the technology after seeing the value of displaying VR art exhibits. As one museum-goer put it, “in the museum setting, it’s about surrendering yourself to the vision of the…

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Here’s an immersive VR/360 version of Where’s Waldo? for your monday. Adding the classic game to this new immersive format makes for a fun afternoon activity! Share with your friends once you find him! #whereswaldo #whereswally #VR #360video #virtualreality#immersive #immersion #buffalo #vrproduction #360photo#lookaround #welcometothefuture http://www.justpano.com/images/where-is-waldo-360-version

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