Get a whiff of this VR news! Most virtual experiences have been based on sight and sound, but what if you added smell? It’s an interesting enhancement to the immersive experience. Read the article to learn about the science behind olfactory immersion, and let us know what you think! #immerseyourself #immersion #vr #virtualreality #smells #experience…

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HTC has introduced a new view of the VR Head Mounted Displays (HMD’s) of the future! Their new design is untethered, and the most advanced HMD to date! Watch the video to get a glimpse into the future of VR. #HTC #vivefocus #VR #virtualreality #VRHMD #experience #virtual #immersion #immerseyourself #360video #buffalo #welcometothefuture

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Crosswater specializes in VR/360 Video Production and Spatial Audio Engineering for Virtual Reality Content. Applications include, but are not limited to: Medical/Industrial/Educational training, K-12/Higher Education, Immersive Storytelling, Virtual Tours, etc. The possibilities are endless! Let Crosswater be the one-stop-shop for your production needs in this exciting new platform. Get ahead of the game, and ride…

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Want to learn more about VR in Education? Crosswater is collaborating with UB’s Director of the Neurocognition Science Lab, Richard Lamb, and Interim Director, Teacher Education Institute,Elizabeth Etopio, to create VR experiences for aspiring educators. VR is “a great way to build confidence in pre-service teachers by preparing them for realistic classroom situations,” says Lamb.…

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Attention basketball fans! Have you ever wanted to watch a game from a courtside view? Well, starting next year, the NBA and TNT will be showcasing VR/360 video of NBA basketball games. This introduction of virtual experiences in the professional sports world will surely not be the first. VR will prove to revolutionize how we…

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What’s on your nightstand? If you love reading books, take a look at this article to see why publishers are intrigued by the storytelling capacity of VR experiences. #Virtualreality #experience #potential #immersion #books #reading #publishers #immerseyourself #welcometothefuture

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A man named Jack McNee has broken the Guinness world record for the longest consecutive time immersed in VR. He spent over 36 hours in Google’s Tilt Brush drawing application. This can be very straining on your eyes, so do not try this at home! Remember to use the 20-20-20 rule; take a break every…

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Roll out the red carpet! Watch the latest Fashion trends courtesy of Crosswater VR collaborator, Tim Wainwright, who captured this immersive VR experience during Rochester NY’s Fashion Week. Crosswater composer John Michael Adamo contributed his musicality to the experience. Grab your VR headset and headphones to #immerseyourself into this fashionable reality! #IconFilms #walkthewalk #FWR17 #centerforyouth…

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Crosswater specializes in high value video production. Here are some stills from our video shoot at Kitchen and Bath Unlimited. Reach out to us at, LinkedIn, Facebook messenger or by phone at (716) 884-8486 for more information about how we can provide our high quality media production services to your business or organization. #video…

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Google has unveiled a new 3D object library for designers of Virtual Environments in VR & AR called Poly. Think of all of the virtual possibilities! Crosswater’s VR expertise includes designing 3D spaces, so contact us to learn about how these advances could benefit you! Contact, or use Facebook messenger, LinkedIn, or phone (716)…

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