Get a whiff of this VR news! Most virtual experiences have been based on sight and sound, but what if you added smell? It’s an interesting enhancement to the immersive experience. Read the article to learn about the science behind olfactory immersion, and let us know what you think! #immerseyourself #immersion #vr #virtualreality #smells #experience…

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HTC has introduced a new view of the VR Head Mounted Displays (HMD’s) of the future! Their new design is untethered, and the most advanced HMD to date! Watch the video to get a glimpse into the future of VR. #HTC #vivefocus #VR #virtualreality #VRHMD #experience #virtual #immersion #immerseyourself #360video #buffalo #welcometothefuture

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Attention basketball fans! Have you ever wanted to watch a game from a courtside view? Well, starting next year, the NBA and TNT will be showcasing VR/360 video of NBA basketball games. This introduction of virtual experiences in the professional sports world will surely not be the first. VR will prove to revolutionize how we…

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What’s on your nightstand? If you love reading books, take a look at this article to see why publishers are intrigued by the storytelling capacity of VR experiences. #Virtualreality #experience #potential #immersion #books #reading #publishers #immerseyourself #welcometothefuture

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Roll out the red carpet! Watch the latest Fashion trends courtesy of Crosswater VR collaborator, Tim Wainwright, who captured this immersive VR experience during Rochester NY’s Fashion Week. Crosswater composer John Michael Adamo contributed his musicality to the experience. Grab your VR headset and headphones to #immerseyourself into this fashionable reality! #IconFilms #walkthewalk #FWR17 #centerforyouth…

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Virtual Reality Technology takes another step forward! A Canadian company, AdHawk Microsystems, has developed a new motion-tracking microchip, which is smaller than any of its kind. These advances will provide manufacturers with the opportunity to minimize the size of VR headsets and make them more accommodating to the average user. #VR #virtualreality #VRheadset #immersion #immerseyourself…

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Watch the latest Fashion trends courtesy of Crosswater VR collaborator, Tim Wainwright of Icon Films, who captured this immersive VR experience during Rochester NY’s Fashion Week. Crosswater composer John Michael Adamo contributed his musicality to the experience. Grab your VR headset and headphones to #immerseyourself into this fashionable reality! #IconFilms #walkthewalk #FWR17 #centerforyouth #VR #360video…

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Brands are seeing value in VR! Millennial have grown up with the constant bombardment from multiple media messages. VR provides brands with a new way to reach consumers with a focused view, free of the advertisement barrage on other media platforms. #VR is an #immersive platform that can be utilized by advertisers to break through…

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All Aboard! Crosswater’s sound designers put their spatial audio skills to work on these two passing trains. Follow them with your ears, and experience the incredible effect of spatial audio in a VR/360 setting. Crosswater specializes in spatial audio and is ready to collaborate with VR/360 filmmakers to enhance the immersive impact of #VR #productions.…

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Have you ever wanted to scale Mount Everest? A new VR experience allows you to reach previously unthinkable heights! “We wanted to push the boundaries of what VR technology is capable of doing and create an immersive experience so realistic that it evokes an emotional response,” said the creator of this new VR experience. Read…

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