Saddle up! Crosswater produced a promotional 360 video in VR for the Lothlorien Therapeutic Riding Center in East Aurora, NY. Lothlorien is a non-profit organization that offers opportunities for the disabled to find comfort on horseback. Take a step inside of their beautiful facility and learn about the benefits that they offer to their riders and the community. Visit for more information about how to donate. Wear a VR headset and headphones to experience the full immersion of 360 video and spatial audio. Crosswater would love to create a similar video for you or your business/organization. Contact Crosswater at (716) 884-8486,, Facebook Messenger, or LinkedIn to learn more about the Virtual possibilities. #horseback #horsebackriding #disabilities #therapeutic #production #VR #virtualreality #horses #stable #360video #spatialaudio #donate #VRheadset #virtual #possibility #vrmarketing #buffalo #mediaproduction #VRproduction #WNY #immersion #immerseyourself #welcometothefuture